Sadistic Sunday is back! I suspect todays SS won't be quite so grand as some of our previous outings (Alliance Pub Crawl, anyone?) but I've been wrong before.
On with the trolls!
Not Ahzae (Ahzae doesn't have access to natural light). |
12pm: Charity Run - Zandalar Edition
Zul'gurub will be gone in a matter of weeks... possibly even days. If you wanted to hit exalted with the Zandalar tribe or just get your raid achievement, now's your chance.
Standard auction rules apply:
- 4 positions available. Top 4 silent bids get the positions - Ahzae will match the highest bid (as far as my wallet will allow :P). Whisper Ahzae in game to make your silent bid.
- All green-to-epic loot will be automatically looted by the Auction Leader. Anyone who wants dropped loot must open a bid (including the AL). All unwanted loot is vendored and added to the pot.
- At the end of the run the pot is added to the guild bank to help fund guild repairs, new tabs, etc.
- Zul'gurub right off the bat - full clear (Two rare mounts, up to 11k rep - all coins and bijous auctioned at the end of the ZG run).
- Karazhan (Rare mount, some Violet Eye rep).
- Heroic Sethekk Halls (Rare Mount, Lower City rep - must be at least honored).
- Heroic Magisters Terrace (Rare Mount, BABY PHOENIX pet, Shattered Sun rep).
- Anywhere else we feel like going :D
2pm: Trollin' Raids
This time it won't just be me being evil! *cackle*
Here's the plan: We group up to take on all the vanilla raids for any missing achievements and fill up any empty spots with as many pugs as we can find - level/gear/etc is a non-issue. The primary goal here is to get any raid achievements we (and they) might be missing. We'll burn through as many raids as we can, starting with level 60 raids and working our way up.
Of course, it wouldn't be Sadistic Sunday if we left it at that!
The twist is that whenever possible, we must refer to any mobs or bosses as "trolls". Especially effective when we're not actually fighting trolls. This rule will change slightly if we need to refer to an actual troll (Zul'Aman springs to mind) - all trolls will be referred to as "GNOMES!" (case sensitive).
I don't care if I'm the only one online, I'm makin' the Troll Raids happen!
BONUS GAME: Spewer - Prize 100g
I couldn't find any games about trolls (I actually found two, but they sucked harder than a gnome in an elevator... hmm, that came out sounding dirtier than I intended. Sorry.), so in order to keep your spirits up while you're candy-gorging your way around Azeroth, I present to you a game about vomiting! Yay!
Seeing as Kerreck keeps winning these I'll be forcefully donating half of his prize money into the Gbank should he win it again - I'll keep doing it until someone beats him too >:D
In order to win, you need to be the first to answer the following question in the comments section below:
How does the Spewer escape the experiment?
Happy trollin' :D