Ruby Sanctum:
The day started off fairly slowly with our ill fated RS run. While we skillfully handled the trash we struggled slightly on the first boss... then Banakin got stuck in a tree, so we called it.
Charity Auction:
The charity auction became an incredibly epic run. After seeing the Time-Lost Figurine drop (and bought for two-thousand gold), the buyers made their way to the dark portal to get to Karazhan.
While we passed through Hellfire Peninsula, we discovered Thrallmar being attacked by the alliance. Kerreck and I immediately swooped in, fighting off the numerous alliance that had only just begun their pre-organised attack on the horde town. Kerreck and I stood victorious over the bodies of the fallen alliance, and flew away with the cheers of the horde bystanders still ringing in our ears.
After Karazhan, we made our way down to Zul'gurub. We stopped briefly in Darkshire to give the alliance a quick taste of their own medicine. While Ruck and Kerreck charged around town smashing whatever they could find, I stood in the town square yelling that the alliance should "cease and desist all hostilities towards our towns, or we'll start trashing theirs in return". After a few minutes of watching a few irate night-elves making rude gestures and us laughing at them, we continued on to our destination.
All in all the run took in over 5000g, which was none too shabby. Big thanks to everyone who participated.
Stormwind Pub Crawl:
The crawl didn't end up quite as we had planned, but was truly fantastic nonetheless.
We started in Darnassus (Sporran had a hankering to hear a few night elf death cries). After we'd slaughtered a few, Ruck stopped us. He was staring at the body of one particular night-elf, completely aghast.
"That... That's Saravix!"
Saravix was a blood-elf hunter that Ruck had recruited to Harms Way a few weeks ago. It seemed as if she had defected to the alliance, right from under our noses. In the most obscene coincidence of the decade, her former guildmates accidentally stumbled across her in a town they weren't planning to go to and killed her before realising who she was because she also happened to be flagged for pvp. Subsequently, Saravix will be nominated for a post-departure Maobie.
We arrived at Stormwind Harbour and began charging through the city to get to our pub of choice (we chose the Pig n' Whistle in Old Town). The Alliance had heard the we were coming, either by reading this blog (:3) or from the Darnassian night elves keen to see us punished.
As we fought our way down the canals we got seperated. As I chased one alliance member through the canal to finish him off, I saw the alliance gathered on the bridges, effectively creating roadblocks... they seemed well prepared for our arrival. Only Ovorion and I made it to the pub alive.
We fought them off long enough for the others to join us, and soon the party was in full swing; but the alliance numbers were growing as they gathered outside of our pub. A few of them came inside to join us, shortly followed by 15-20 more who came inside to kill us. The five of us were quickly overwhelmed (not before taking several alliance scum with us first) which put an end to our Stormwind drinking session.
Of course, we were left far from satisfied. We gathered again outside of the pub - the alliance had been naïve enough to wait for us inside. We scampered to the deeprun tram, chuckling at the simple-minded alliance who allowed us to escape so easily.
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The Stonefire Tavern AKA. The Hordefire Tavern |
When we arrived in Ironforge, we headed for the Stonefire Tavern. Even though the tavern was within earshot of the Ironforge bank and auction house, we received very little resistance from the natives. As we danced, drank and told awful jokes, we were joined by a few alliance members - including a female draenei who stripped off and began dancing on the tables.
We renamed the Stonefire Tavern before we left. To us, it will be known as the Hordefire Tavern. Any future pub crawl events will likely be held there from now on and the alliance will always be welcome to join us there for a drink (provided they don't try to kill us).
Likewise, should the alliance claim ownership of a pub located within our borders, know that Harms Way will be there to buy them a round.
yeah i got a round for them.. it's called whirlwind ! :P