It occurs to me that I haven't written anything since Wednesday. I was going to write about guild promotions and their usefulness, but it's late and I have nothing to quench my thirst (I'm also very lazy).
So in its place will be gibbering nonsense. Enjoy.
Part the First: This.
It turns out that I'm quite late to this particular party, but I'm a druid; I juggle five different sets of gear which leaves me no time for funnehs. Until now that is.
I've decided to petition Blizzard to create a title to honour this particular track:
Ahzae, Lord of the Trifling Gnome
I will not rest (probably) until it's been implemented.
Part the Second: Goblins vs. Taurens
I've been watching a few goblin animation videos lately. After seeing these, every last part of my being wants to reroll a goblin. I'm too tired to actually go into details just yet, but suffice it to say that I'm agonisingly torn between sticking with what I know and rerolling and losing everything I've worked so hard for.
I'm leaning more towards staying a druid at the moment, but I don't think we'll know until Cataclysm hits.
Speaking of Cataclysm hitting - has anyone noticed that Dalaran has begun shaking more violently lately, or is it just me?
Part the Final: Banakin and Myself
So far the raids we've had have gone quite well. Only Banakin and myself have acted as a raid leader at this point. The next raid has been booked for tomorrow at midday.
I was reminded earlier today that I'm playing guinea pig for a friend at that exact time. From what I'm told I'll be subjecting my brain (eep!) to all sorts of machinery... I hope I'm getting paid for this.
Anywho, I got into contact with Banakin to make sure he could pick up raid leadership for Saturday, and it turns out that he can't make it either! Some nonsense about his interwebs being violated or some-such, I was raging too much to really listen to what he had to say.
Now, we're left with what is mostly very new raiders, a schedule to keep and no-one to lead. My first reaction was to simply cancel the event (which handily sends an in-game mail to all who signed up), but as I thought about it I became curious as to what they'll actually do:

- 90% chance that the raid simply shrugs it off and gets on with life.
- 5% chance that someone takes the lead and they then one-shot the entire place.
- 4% chance that the absence of their beloved leader leaves them confused and scared and they begin to cry.
- 1% chance that the absence of their "beloved" leader leaves them angry and violent and then everyone immediately gquits.
Then I begin to cry.
Then something explodes.
Guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.
More serious posts up on the weekend!
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