Official progression standing:
OS: 1/1 (1 drake) *new*
VoA: CLEAR (4/4) *new*
Last night we decided to take a stab at VoA in the morning. Which we did.
Now this here is something that's gonna make the elitists egos shrivel up - only two of our members had a gearscore over 5k, and almost none had the Toravon achievement. Oh, and the mammoth dropped.
I'm not usually a fan of the gearscore addon, but today I'm using it to rub our victory in the scorewhores' faces, so I forgive myself :3

Feeling more confident than ever, we all went to Obsidian Sanctum for a shot at 3 drakes up and the nice dragon mount it provides (we all had mount envy after Rozie won the mount in VoA *shakes fist*).
Despite not knowing what we were doing, we charged in eagerly... and promptly wiped. A few repeat performances later and we decided baby steps towards 3d was the sensible option.
We then barreled through Sarth with Shadron up with ease.

We also went back to Naxxramas to get the achievements for two of our members who had to leave early last time. The construct quarter through to Kel'thuzad, totally one-shot. Despite the guild having been up for only two weeks, Naxx is officially on farm :D

Big congratulations to everyone involved (especially Rozie *shakes fist again*). We're facing off against Malygos tonight and I'm more confident than ever.
-Ahz *still fist-shaking* :P
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