Here's the deal:
- Start a raid - each player pays a minimum 20g "donation" to get in.
- Then raid numerous areas that have rare drops (eg. Zulian Tiger from ZG)
- When a rarity drops, the players who want it can bid - highest bidder takes the loot.
- All gold gathered after all the runs have been finished goes into the guild bank to help fund repairs, new tabs, etc.
In practice the idea still worked too; we had 6 people in total (about a third of our total members at the moment) and everyone had a blast.
We made 304g in total - but there's the catch. None of the rare mounts had dropped (as I had expected), and nothing else that did drop was worth bidding on. We made a little over 300 gold in the space of three hours (despite having loads of fun doing it) and had really nothing else to show for it. In terms of pure profitability, a gold mine this ain't.
Like I said however, the idea did work - but it's not going to be the ultimate solution to guild finances, even for small guilds like ours, that I had perhaps naively hoped it would be... but it's a start.
Having these runs in addition to whatever other fund-raisers we come up with over time should be nothing but a positive mark for the guild's cashflow. Despite the fact that I could make about three times as much farming in Sholazar Basin in that time, it's easier to think of it as just a standard mount farming run - just with added benefits for the guild.

(By the way, in case anyone was wondering, we ran Sethekk Halls(H), Magisters Terrace(H), Zul'Gurub, Karazhan and took a stab at The Eye as well. We managed to get Al'ar down before calling it a day, so fitting all of that into three hours with six people certainly isn't bad at all)
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