
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Grit and Reminiscence

We took down Onyxia earlier today after about five attempts. I have to state, for the record, that it was the most epic encounter I've been involved in since my first Karazhan run.

I used to get this sort of feeling all the time from earlier MMO's, and even WoW back in it's earlier days. Monsters were freakin' monsters back then, not the simple loot-piñata mini-games most of WoW's raids seem to have become. The sense of accomplishment and bragging rights are essentially non-existent for the non-elitist (and we all know what I think about them).

Even though Onyxia is nothing to really crow about at this stage of the game, this was the first really complex raid Harms Way has faced and that is why it was so much fun.
Ten people joined forces to take down a colossal dragon. Some were scared and confused, some were bravely staring into the monster's eyes. All were in mortal peril just being near it... and we won.

This is what MMO's should be about. Not the gearscore, not the meters, not the phat lewtz. It should be about the challenge, the experience and the triumph that comes from a proper team effort.

Taking down Kel'thuzad at the end of Naxxramas was close, but at this point was a little too easy for us. The Lich King is our next big target and, whether or not we make it before cataclysm, we're gonna have a huge amount of fun along the way.

The only reason Harms Way has gotten as far as it has (and will continue further as well) is because of the sheer determination of it's members. So far, only he-who-must-not-be-named has managed to demoralise them and even so, it didn't last. The very next week they were ready and raring to go again.
They have displayed pure grit in situations that would have the regular jerks screaming and ragequitting - and it only does them more credit. I'm beginning to think that they've known from the beginning one of the most important lessons I wanted to teach:

The greatest reward is walking away with a story to tell.


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