
Brisbane, QLD
Elves do age well, don't they? Perhaps she resorts to some sort of trickery to keep herself looking so young, possibly some sort of dark magic or hair dye. In any case, Niennae won't give away her exact age, but she reassures me that she's "really very, very old".
Tradeskills, achievements, questing and raiding.
Arrogant jerks, PvP.
Following the destruction of Silvermoon and the Sunwell, Niennae stayed behind to help defend the broken city from further scourge attacks. Her friends had begged her to join them on their pilgrimage into Outland, but she politely refused. She knew that the people of Silvermoon needed her more than her friends did.
As time passed, the Sin'dorei began to suffer from withdrawal and the rebuilding of Silvermoon slowed to a crawl. Niennae began to wonder if what was left of the city was even worth saving. After seeing her own son killed and dragged away by the Scourge, Niennae made up her mind and went to join her friends in Outland.
Upon arriving in Shattrath city, Niennae discovered that her friends had either been lost in battle or retired because of it. The battles were being fought elsewhere, and there was little Niennae could do for them - so she settled in Shattrath, working as a tailor.
When the Horde expedition to Northrend was announced, Niennae was one of the first in line. Niennae pledged herself to the Argent Crusade, hoping to get close enough to the one who caused her son's death.
Niennae quickly found a band of heroes willing to challenge the Lich King face-to-face. She worked with the group fervently, trying to get a chance to slay her son's killer. The leader of their group eventually cracked under the strain and ran screaming, crying and naked into the comforting arms of one of the Lich Kings most horrid creatures - Festergut - and was promptly killed for his efforts.
Within days the group had scattered and Niennae found herself working as a tailor again, this time in Dalaran. She was about to give up entirely when she found a group who had their eyes set on the Lich King as well. This new group had intrigued her - they were offering to train inexperienced Horde members for battle. They didn't want achievements, and they were only taking patient people.
Impressed with their attitude, Niennae immediately offered her services to Harms Way. It wasn't long before she realised that she'd finally found the place where she belonged. She was home.
That's it for this week! Remember, if you want to see your purdy picture up here too, make sure you let Ahzae know. For now, I apparently have to go with these nice gentlemen behind me. They say there will be pie and punch waiting for me...
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